November 23 Notes
- Add seagull gag sound, laughing sounds
- Have a close up of the starfish choking
- Cross dissolve from "awwww" view of her to him
- sneaker bird sounds
- take the song longer by a stanza or so.
- extend dream moment at least 2x or 3 longer
- start closer with the camera when she's winking and then zoom out.
- Fade out is a bit too fast from Rebecca's scene to nick's
- Pan up the rock
- start with the start fish
- see the tentacle then add the smack (have A and B drawings)
- Fash woshing sounds (similiar to someone grabbing things quickly), when he's reaching for the bird.
- A and B drawings when he's falling
- Panel of him talking to the whale-have him make sounds as if he's talking
- Add more blahs when the bird is talkingto the other bird
- More sad time with the octopus (Karsen's scene)
- Add music when the two are together on the plane
- When the engine sound is going, have the screen shake
- Fix the bird drawings to be more clear (airplane)
- add missing frame from octopus passing out
- Have woosh or flapping sound when she's fling by
- Have bird cawing when she goes and attack the puffer fish
- Extend bird talking shot
- screams with octopus and glider
- screaming swimmer
- scary underwater sounds (shark chomps)
- longer shots at octopus and bird plane
- cross dissolve of faint
- bird gasp before going under water
- release of bubbles under water
- snapping of jelly fish needs to be louder
- zing/ding for reveal of pearl
- kiss sound
- record "mmm" for hug
- scratch record idea at end
- beautiful ending song
- scratch record
- "I Need You" song for credits
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