Hey everyone,
Here's a copy of the notes that I took down from our last class.
The Story:
It starts with a sunrise, and all the birds are sitting together as couples, and then it pans down to the octopuses, who are also together. Then it shows the two odd balls (our main characters). They fall in love. The bird tries to go to the octopus, but when she touches the water, she responses, "eww," and returns back to the sky. Throughout the rest of the story, she's still in love with him but plays hard to get, and acts oblivious to his attempts.
So the octopus tries a number of stunts, which is as follows:
1) launches himself by latching to rocks and flinging himself.
2) trying to launch himself through a blow hole of a whale. (Maybe have him spew ink her as he flies away)
3) uses his arm as a laso, but it gets caught on a dolphin.
4) gets a star fish and turn it into a grappling hook.
5) ask his puffer fish friend to turn into a blimp, but the puffer fish gets eaten by another bird couple.
6) He ask his sting ray friend to become a glider.
7) He makes a crane out of random sea items
8) He makes a plane out of random sea items.
Each attempt, the pace gets faster and he gets more mad and ambitious. He gets closest to the plane, but because he's so excited and flapping his arms everywhere. One gets caught in the tail of the plane (which is a clam), and the plane spins out of control. He tries to use his parachute (which is a jelly fish), but the clam makes him too heavy and the parachute flies off. His legs get tangled. The clam makes him crash into the water and pulls him down. The bird finally notices that he's in danger, sees the jelly fish, and puts it on her head. She goes and rescue him.
When the octopus is saved, he's very happy and wants to give her something. He looks around and sees the clam on his arm, pulls it off, and gives her the pearl inside of it.
We have the same shot as the beginning, but it's now sunset. The bird couples are on the top, and the octopus couples are on the bottom. The odd couple are swinging in the water watching the sunset happily.
We shot the credits, and then there's a short clip after that, that shows the couple's weird babies.
If I missed something from the story, I apologize. Just tell me and I'll fix it. :)
The outline of the characters:
Octopus: love sick, resourceful, nerdy.
Bird: hot chick, stuck up, loves octopus but plays hard to get
Scene Assignments:
Rebecca: Intro to the first attempt.
Nick: First three attempts.
Alex: Fourth, Fifth, and when the octopus faints in the water.
Karsen: Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth attempt until he crashes.
Angela: When the bird sees him in trouble until the very end.
If anyone needs help or wants more work just say something and we'll readjust it.
I think that's it! I'll post the sketch that I have of the octopus in the next post.
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